Centre for Lacanian Psychoanalysis New Zealand

Psychoanalysis with children today
Leonardo S. Rodríguez
Public lecture 9th June 2023
7 – 9 p.m.
130 Saint Georges Bay Road

The practice of psychoanalysis with children started with the treatment of little Hans, one hundred and
fifteen years ago. That was the clinical and logical consequence of Freud’s creation of psychoanalysis fifteen
years earlier. Children, their parents, the structure of the family in which they grow, the problems that
bring them to psychoanalytic treatment today in different parts of the world appear not to be the same as
those encountered by Freud and by the pioneers of the psychoanalytic work with children: Hermine Hug-
Hellmuth, Anna Freud and Melanie Klein.

What is new and what has remained unchanged in the clinical presentations of the children with whom
we work today? Based on clinical experience and not only on conceptual categories, our psychoanalytic
view of the sufferings and achievements of today’s children and adolescents differs significantly from
other contemporary perspectives, with which we maintain a dialogue, as there is much to learn from the
practices and research of people who in different capacities devote themselves seriously to the lives of
young human beings.

10th June 2023
10 a.m. – 4.15 p.m.
130 Saint Georges Bay Road

Limited places available.
Public Lecture – $100 (CLA members $50)
Workshop – $280 (CLA members $140)
Both days available available in-person and on Zoom.
Please register through bank deposit to The Center for Lacan Analysis 12-2066-0204464-00
and emailing: info@lacan.org.nz

Centre for Lacanian Psychoanalysis New Zealand